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Selecting a Breeder

Imagine bringing the puppy of your dreams home and spending the rest of your life with this canine companion by your side.  Healthy.  Happy.

But you realize that in order to do that, you must find a great dog breeder from which to buy said dream puppy.   You need some tips on how to select a dog breeder that qualifies as the best of the best.  One who takes their role as your partner in your dog’s life as seriously as you do.

In order to find this person and commit to them, you need the following 10 tips for selecting a dog breeder.  If you use these considerations as you interview prospective breeders, I can guarantee you success in landing your dream puppy!

Here we go…

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10.  Dog Health

Selecting a dog breeder is an important decision that can have lasting implications over the life of your dog. Use these tips to make this decision.  Use these tips to make this decision wisely!


Health testing must be a factor in your decision when selecting a dog breeder.

We have come a long way in recent years in the field of canine health and genetic testing and most reputable dog breeders do some or all of this testing on their breeding stock BEFORE breeding in order to both prevent disease in their puppies but also to track their lines for inheritable diseases.


That said, while I know some breeders who question the validity of all these tests, I do not know of any that I would consider reputable that doesn’t do at least SOME health tests on their breeding stock.


If you are considering a breeder that does not test their dogs, walk away… fast!


9.  Dog Behavior and Temperament

When selecting a dog breeder, I believe both the personality of the breeder and the temperament of our dogs is a consideration that cannot be minimized!


Ask yourself, the following questions:

  • Is this breeder someone I can comfortably speak to?

  • Do I have a rapport with this dog breeder?

  • Is this dog breeder willing to answer all of my questions without being defensive?

  • Are they knowledgeable and experienced in the breed?

  • Is this breeder respected by colleagues and experts in the breed?

  • And, perhaps most importantly, is this dog breeder asking YOU more questions than you are asking him/her?

  • Does the breeder us a temperament test like the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test?

If your answer is no to any one of these, walk away!


8. Pedigree and Lineage

When you are choosing a dog breeder, I strongly urge you to do your homework on the history of their pedigrees.

What you see is a strong indicator of what you will be getting. If you don’t like it, walk away… kindly.


7.  Reputation in the Dog World

What are other people saying about this breeder?

Now, I’m not talking about gossip or Facebook, but honest feedback from respected folks in the breed.

Does this person have a positive reputation? Can you speak to former puppy buyers, the breeder’s veterinarian, or maybe to popular handlers whom you trust to get information?

Follow their website, Facebook Story's and Instagram and observe how they speak to people and what information they share. I have found true colors are often seen in social media so go with your gut on this one.

Do your due diligence!

And if you would like help with what questions to ask prospective breeders and others to assess their reputation during this due diligence process, read and download your free 40 Questions to Ask a Dog Breeder Guide to use during your interviews.


6. Long-term commitment

Selecting a dog breeder is an important decision that can have lasting implications over the life of your dog. Use these tips to make this decision wisely! Selecting a dog breeder is an important decision that can have lasting implications over the life of your dog. Use these tips to make this decision wisely!


Selecting a dog breeder is a decision with long term ramifications.

Ask yourself if this person is committed to you, the prospective buyer, and to the puppies they produce?

Does this breeder have a solid contract in place for this puppy that protects both you and the breeder for the life of the dog?

I have come to understand what an important and valuable relationship these are for me and for my dogs and how much I value the knowledge, expertise, and support they give me.


5. Honesty and integrity

Look for a dog breeder that will share with you the positives and the negatives about their dogs.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does this person gloss over the negatives or present them as positives?

  • Does he present his dogs as though they are perfect?

  • Does this breeder hyper-focus on some areas but not others?

In the world of Doodles, breeders who consistently tout and publicly report their dogs’ size and weight are a huge pet peeve for me.


4. Early Socialization 

Your dog breeder will be the one person solely responsible for the care and raising of your new puppy for the first 8-10+ weeks of his/her life.

Future posts will focus on the critical periods of development that a puppy goes through during these early weeks and what breeders can/should do to make the most of them.

Consider reading About ENS and Puppy Culture for an example of what good looks like in terms of a breeder’s role in socializing and stimulating puppies.


3. Ask for feedback

If you have a family, consider selecting a dog breeder to be a family decision.

What does your spouse think? If not a spouse, a trusted friend or family member?


Don’t discount the feedback you get.

Don’t make excuses.  Just listen and take it all in.


2. Trust your gut

Alright, time for a gut check. Is there anything still nagging at you or questions you have that have gone unanswered?


I have found that, especially when puppies are already on the ground and I have already fallen in love, this gut check is particularly challenging.


Like with human relationships, sometimes we have a hard time defining exactly what is in our gut.

However, if your gut is saying no, go with it!


1. Your future with this Dog Breeder

Now, after all of that, close your eyes. Imagine 10 years into the future.

Do you see your doodle with his sweet gray muzzle and calming spirit, faithfully warming your feet as you send off random pictures of him sleeping to his breeder?


If not, what do you see?

As Franklin Covey says, “Begin with the End in Mind.”  Can you see yourself working with this breeder for the next 8-10 years?

If you can, congratulations!! I can’t wait to see pictures of your new puppy of the lifespan of your baby see!


Did I Miss Anything?

I am curious what you think about this list?

Are there other considerations you have used when selecting a dog breeder? I would love to hear from you!

Please leave me a comment and tell me what has worked well.  What hasn’t?


Ming's Dynasty Doodles


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